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Charles De Gaulle

Charles de Gaulle: The French Leader Who Led His Country Through War and Crisis

From World War I Soldier to President of France

Charles de Gaulle was a French soldier, writer, statesman, and architect of France's Fifth Republic. He rose from a soldier in World War I to become the exiled leader of the Free French resistance during World War II and eventually president of France.

Early Life and Military Career

Charles de Gaulle was born in Lille, France, on November 22, 1890. He attended military school and served in the French army during World War I. He was wounded three times and earned the Croix de Guerre.

Leader of the Free French

After the fall of France in 1940, de Gaulle escaped to England and became the leader of the Free French, a resistance movement opposed to the Nazi occupation of France.

President of France

After the war, de Gaulle returned to France and was elected president of the newly formed Fifth Republic in 1958. He served as president until 1969, during which time he led France through a period of economic growth and political stability.


Charles de Gaulle is considered one of the most important figures in French history. He was a strong leader who helped to restore France's position as a major power in the world.
